FastArduino v1.10
C++ library to build fast but small Arduino/AVR projects
This is the complete list of members for devices::magneto::FIFOEnable, including all inherited members.
accel() const | devices::magneto::FIFOEnable | inline |
FIFOEnable(bool accel=false, bool gyro_x=false, bool gyro_y=false, bool gyro_z=false, bool temperature=false) | devices::magneto::FIFOEnable | inline |
gyro_x() const | devices::magneto::FIFOEnable | inline |
gyro_y() const | devices::magneto::FIFOEnable | inline |
gyro_z() const | devices::magneto::FIFOEnable | inline |
temperature() const | devices::magneto::FIFOEnable | inline |