FastArduino v1.10
C++ library to build fast but small Arduino/AVR projects
This is the complete list of members for devices::servo::Servo< TIMER_, PWMPIN_ >, including all inherited members.
calculate_counter(uint16_t pulse_us) const | devices::servo::Servo< TIMER_, PWMPIN_ > | inline |
detach() INLINE | devices::servo::Servo< TIMER_, PWMPIN_ > | inline |
PIN | devices::servo::Servo< TIMER_, PWMPIN_ > | static |
PWMPIN | devices::servo::Servo< TIMER_, PWMPIN_ > | static |
rotate(int8_t angle) | devices::servo::Servo< TIMER_, PWMPIN_ > | inline |
Servo(TIMER &timer, uint16_t us_minimum, uint16_t us_maximum, uint16_t us_neutral=0) | devices::servo::Servo< TIMER_, PWMPIN_ > | inline |
set_counter(TYPE value) INLINE | devices::servo::Servo< TIMER_, PWMPIN_ > | inline |
set_pulse(uint16_t pulse_us) | devices::servo::Servo< TIMER_, PWMPIN_ > | inline |
TIMER typedef | devices::servo::Servo< TIMER_, PWMPIN_ > | |
TYPE typedef | devices::servo::Servo< TIMER_, PWMPIN_ > |