FastArduino v1.10
C++ library to build fast but small Arduino/AVR projects
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mcp23017.h File Reference

API to handle the MCP23017 chip (16-Bit I/O Expander with I2C interface). More...

#include "mcp230xx.h"
#include "../bits.h"
#include "../functors.h"
#include "../i2c_device.h"
#include "../i2c_device_utilities.h"
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class  devices::mcp230xx::MCP23017< MANAGER >
 I2C device driver for Microchip MCP23017 support. More...
class  devices::mcp230xx::MCP23017< MANAGER >::BeginFuture
 Create a future to be used by asynchronous method begin(BeginFuture&). More...
class  devices::mcp230xx::MCP23017< MANAGER >::ConfigureGPIOFuture< P_ >
 Create a future to be used by asynchronous method configure_gpio(ConfigureGPIOFuture. More...
class  devices::mcp230xx::MCP23017< MANAGER >::ConfigureInterruptsFuture< P_ >
 Create a future to be used by asynchronous method configure_interrupts(ConfigureInterruptsFuture<P_>&). More...


namespace  devices
 Defines all API for all external devices supported by FastArduino.
namespace  devices::mcp230xx
 Defines the API for MCP23008/MCP23017 chips support.


enum class  devices::mcp230xx::MCP23017Port : uint8_t {
  devices::mcp230xx::PORT_A ,
  devices::mcp230xx::PORT_B ,
 The port(s) to use in MCP23017 API. More...

Detailed Description

API to handle the MCP23017 chip (16-Bit I/O Expander with I2C interface).

Definition in file mcp23017.h.