FastArduino v1.10
C++ library to build fast but small Arduino/AVR projects
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devices::magneto::MPU6050< MANAGER >::BeginFuture Class Reference

Create a future to be used by asynchronous method begin(BeginFuture&). More...

#include <fastarduino/devices/mpu6050.h>

Inheritance diagram for devices::magneto::MPU6050< MANAGER >::BeginFuture:
Collaboration diagram for devices::magneto::MPU6050< MANAGER >::BeginFuture:

Detailed Description

template<typename MANAGER>
class devices::magneto::MPU6050< MANAGER >::BeginFuture

Create a future to be used by asynchronous method begin(BeginFuture&).

This is used by begin() to pass input settings, and it shall be used by the caller to determine when the I2C transaction is finished, hence when you may use other methods such as gyro_measures() to get sensors measurements from the device.

gyro_rangethe GyroRange to use for the gyroscope measurements
accel_rangethe AccelRange to use for the accelerometer measurements
low_pass_filterthe DLPF bandwidth to use for operations
clock_selectthe ClockSelect to use as the device clock source
See also

Definition at line 355 of file mpu6050.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: