83 void fill(
char fill
85 void width(uint8_t width
87 void precision(uint8_t precision
90 void put(
char val
91 void write(
const char* content
size_t size
92 void write(
const char* str
93 void write(
const flash::FlashStorage* str
142 inline void oct(null_ostream& stream
143 inline void dec(null_ostream& stream
144 inline void hex(null_ostream& stream
146 inline void endl(null_ostream& stream
159 inline void left(null_ostream& stream
uint16_t fmtflags
Bitmask type to represent stream format flags.
Implements an empty formatted output that does nothing.
#define UNUSED
Specific GCC attribute to declare an argument or variable unused, so that the compiler does not emit ...
C++-like std::iostream facilities.
Defines C++-like streams API, based on circular buffers for input or output.
void flush(FSTREAM &stream)
Manipulator for an output stream, which will flush the stream buffer.
void endl(FSTREAM &stream)
Manipulator for an output stream, which will insert a new-line character and flush the stream buffer.
void noboolalpha(FSTREAM &stream)
Clear the ios::boolalpha format flag for stream.
void nounitbuf(FSTREAM &stream)
Clear the ios::unitbuf format flag for stream.
void showbase(FSTREAM &stream)
Set the ios::showbase format flag for stream.
void nouppercase(FSTREAM &stream)
Clear the ios::uppercase format flag for stream.
void noskipws(FSTREAM &stream)
Manipulator for an input stream, which will deactivate whitespace discarding before formatted input o...
void right(FSTREAM &stream)
Set the ios::adjustfield format flag for stream to ios::right, thus adjusting next output to the righ...
void skipws(FSTREAM &stream)
Manipulator for an input stream, which will activate whitespace discarding before formatted input ope...
void bin(FSTREAM &stream)
Manipulator for an output or input stream, which will set the base, used to represent (output) or int...
void boolalpha(FSTREAM &stream)
Set the ios::boolalpha format flag for stream.
void showpos(FSTREAM &stream)
Set the ios::showpos format flag for stream.
void hex(FSTREAM &stream)
Manipulator for an output or input stream, which will set the base, used to represent (output) or int...
void scientific(FSTREAM &stream)
Set the ios::floatfield format flag for stream to ios::scientific.
void oct(FSTREAM &stream)
Manipulator for an output or input stream, which will set the base, used to represent (output) or int...
void uppercase(FSTREAM &stream)
Set the ios::uppercase format flag for stream.
void fixed(FSTREAM &stream)
Set the ios::floatfield format flag for stream to ios::fixed.
void noshowpos(FSTREAM &stream)
Clear the ios::showpos format flag for stream.
void dec(FSTREAM &stream)
Manipulator for an output or input stream, which will set the base, used to represent (output) or int...
void unitbuf(FSTREAM &stream)
Set the ios::unitbuf format flag for stream.
void noshowbase(FSTREAM &stream)
Clear the ios::showbase format flag for stream.
void left(FSTREAM &stream)
Set the ios::adjustfield format flag for stream to ios::left, thus adjusting next output to the left.
General utilities API that have broad application in programs.