173 explicit operator bool()
337 flags_ = (flags_ & ~mask) | (
flags & mask);
438 precision_ = rhs.precision_;
455 static constexpr uint8_t DOUBLE_BUFFER_SIZE =
465 void convert(
const char* token,
bool& value)
468 value = (strcmp(token,
"true") == 0);
470 value = (atol(token) != 0);
472 void convert(
const char* token,
double& value)
475 double val = strtod(token, &endptr);
481 const char* binary_token(
const char* token)
483 if ((base() == 2) && ((strncmp(token,
"0b0", 3) == 0) || (strncmp(token,
"0b1", 3) == 0)))
return token + 2;
486 bool convert(
const char* token,
long& value)
489 long val = strtol(binary_token(token), &endptr, base());
494 return (endptr != token);
496 bool convert(
const char* token,
unsigned long& value)
499 unsigned long val = strtoul(binary_token(token), &endptr, base());
504 return (endptr != token);
506 void convert(
const char* token,
int& value)
509 if (convert(token, val)) value = (int) val;
511 void convert(
const char* token,
unsigned int& value)
514 if (convert(token, val)) value = (
unsigned int) val;
518 void convert(ostreambuf& out,
int value)
521 char buffer[
sizeof(int) * 8 + 1];
522 format_number(out, itoa(value, buffer, base()));
524 void convert(ostreambuf& out,
unsigned int value)
527 char buffer[
unsigned int) * 8 + 1];
528 format_number(out, utoa(value, buffer, base()));
530 void convert(ostreambuf& out,
long value)
533 char buffer[
sizeof(long) * 8 + 1];
534 format_number(out, ltoa(value, buffer, base()));
536 void convert(ostreambuf& out,
unsigned long value)
539 char buffer[
unsigned long) * 8 + 1];
540 format_number(out, ultoa(value, buffer, base()));
542 static size_t double_digits(
double value)
544 int digits = int(log10(fabs(value)));
548 return size_t(digits + 1);
550 bool is_too_large(
double value)
553 return (1 + double_digits(value) + 1 +
precision() + 1) > DOUBLE_BUFFER_SIZE;
555 void convert(ostreambuf& out,
double value)
559 char buffer[DOUBLE_BUFFER_SIZE];
563 const uint8_t DTOSTRE_MAX_PRECISION = 7;
569 const uint8_t EXPONENT_SIZE = 1 + 1 + 2;
571 char* exponent = strchr(buffer,
572 uint8_t added_zeros =
573 memmove(exponent + added_zeros, exponent, EXPONENT_SIZE + 1);
575 memset(exponent,
'0', added_zeros);
585 char* dp = strchr(buffer,
589 char* reverse = buffer + strlen(buffer) - 1;
590 while ((reverse != dp) && (*reverse ==
'0')) *reverse-- = 0;
592 if (reverse == dp) *reverse = 0;
596 justify(out, buffer, add_sign(buffer,
598 void convert(ostreambuf& out,
char value)
603 justify(out, buffer,
605 void convert(ostreambuf& out,
bool value)
608 justify(out, (value ?
"true") :
610 convert(out, (value ? 1 : 0));
613 void upper(
char* input,
bool is_float =
618 const char* prefix_base()
632 bool add_sign(
const char* input,
bool is_float =
634 return (
flags() &
showpos) && ((
flags() &
dec) || is_float) && (input[0] !=
'+') && (input[0] !=
637 void format_number(ostreambuf& out,
char* input)
640 justify(out, input, add_sign(input), prefix_base());
643 void output_number(ostreambuf& out,
const char* input,
bool add_sign,
const char* prefix)
645 if (add_sign) out.put_(
646 if (prefix) out.sputn(prefix);
650 void output_filler(ostreambuf& out,
char filler, uint8_t size)
652 while (size--) out.put_(filler,
655 void justify(ostreambuf& out,
const char* input,
bool add_sign,
const char* prefix)
661 size_t len = strlen(input) + (prefix ? strlen(prefix) : 0) + (add_sign ? 1 : 0);
664 uint8_t add =
width() - len;
667 output_number(out, input, add_sign, prefix);
668 output_filler(out,
fill(), add);
673 output_filler(out,
fill(), add);
674 output_number(out, input, add_sign, prefix);
680 output_number(out, input, add_sign, prefix);
683 void justify(ostreambuf& out,
const flash::FlashStorage* input)
685 size_t len = strlen_P((
const char*) input);
688 uint8_t add =
width() - len;
692 output_filler(out,
fill(), add);
697 output_filler(out,
fill(), add);
718 uint8_t precision_ = 6;
729 template<
typename FSTREAM>
inline void skipws(FSTREAM& stream)
738 template<
typename FSTREAM>
inline void noskipws(FSTREAM& stream)
747 template<
typename FSTREAM>
inline void bin(FSTREAM& stream)
756 template<
typename FSTREAM>
inline void oct(FSTREAM& stream)
765 template<
typename FSTREAM>
inline void dec(FSTREAM& stream)
774 template<
typename FSTREAM>
inline void hex(FSTREAM& stream)
788 template<
typename FSTREAM>
inline void boolalpha(FSTREAM& stream)
801 template<
typename FSTREAM>
inline void noboolalpha(FSTREAM& stream)
821 template<
typename FSTREAM>
inline void showbase(FSTREAM& stream)
836 template<
typename FSTREAM>
inline void noshowbase(FSTREAM& stream)
849 template<
typename FSTREAM>
inline void showpos(FSTREAM& stream)
862 template<
typename FSTREAM>
inline void noshowpos(FSTREAM& stream)
877 template<
typename FSTREAM>
inline void uppercase(FSTREAM& stream)
892 template<
typename FSTREAM>
inline void nouppercase(FSTREAM& stream)
906 template<
typename FSTREAM>
inline void unitbuf(FSTREAM& stream)
922 template<
typename FSTREAM>
inline void nounitbuf(FSTREAM& stream)
935 template<
typename FSTREAM>
inline void left(FSTREAM& stream)
948 template<
typename FSTREAM>
inline void right(FSTREAM& stream)
982 template<
typename FSTREAM>
inline void fixed(FSTREAM& stream)
1000 template<
typename FSTREAM>
inline void scientific(FSTREAM& stream)
Base class for formatted streams.
fmtflags flags() const
Return the format flags currently selected in this stream.
void precision(uint8_t precision)
Set precision (number of digits after decimal point) used for displaying floating values.
uint8_t precision() const
Get the current precision (default = 6) used for formatted floating values output.
static constexpr fmtflags fixed
Write floating point values in scientific notation.
static constexpr iostate eofbit
This bit is set if the stream has unexpectedly reached its end during an extraction.
uint16_t fmtflags
Bitmask type to represent stream format flags.
static constexpr fmtflags uppercase
Write uppercase letters instead of lowercase in certain insertion operations.
static constexpr fmtflags basefield
Bitmask constant used with setf(fmtflags, fmtflags) when changing the output base format.
static constexpr fmtflags dec
Read or write integral values using decimal (0..9) base format.
bool operator!() const
Return true if an error has occurred on the associated stream, since last time state was reset (clear...
static constexpr fmtflags left
Pad all output to width() characters, with fill() character appended at the end so that the output ap...
bool fail() const
Return true if an error has occurred on the associated stream, since last time state was reset (clear...
void setf(fmtflags flags, fmtflags mask)
Set this stream's format flags whose bits are set in both flags and mask, and clears the format flags...
iostate rdstate() const
Return the current stream error state.
static constexpr fmtflags showpos
Write non-negative numerical values preceded by +.
static constexpr fmtflags oct
Read or write integral values using octal (0..7) base format.
uint8_t iostate
Bitmask type to represent stream state flags.
void clear(iostate state=goodbit)
Set the stream error state flags by assigning them the value of state.
void width(uint8_t width)
Set minimum width used for displaying values.
void setf(fmtflags flags)
Set this stream's format flags whose bits are set in flags, leaving unchanged the rest.
static constexpr fmtflags right
Pad all output to width() characters, with fill() character added at the beginning so that the output...
static constexpr fmtflags skipws
Skip leading spaces on certain extraction (read) operations.
static constexpr fmtflags floatfield
Bitmask constant used with setf(fmtflags, fmtflags) when changing the floating point output represent...
static constexpr fmtflags scientific
Write floating point values in fixed-point notation.
void fill(char fill)
Set fill as new fill character for this stream.
uint8_t width() const
Get the current minimum width value (default = 0) used for formatted output.
void unsetf(fmtflags flags)
Clear this stream's format flags whose bits are set in flags.
static constexpr fmtflags bin
Read or write integral values using binary (0,1) base format.
char fill() const
Return the fill character.
ios_base & copyfmt(const ios_base &rhs)
Copy formatting information from rhs to this stream.
static constexpr iostate badbit
This bit is set when an irrecoverable stream error has occurred, e.g.
void setstate(iostate state)
Set the stream error flags state in addition to currently set flags.
static constexpr fmtflags hex
Read or write integral values using hexadecimal (0..9,A..F) base format.
static constexpr iostate failbit
This bit is set when an input or operation failed due to a formatting error during extraction.
static constexpr fmtflags boolalpha
Read or write bool values as alphabetic string (true or false).
bool bad() const
Return true if a non-recoverable error has occurred on the associated stream.
bool eof() const
Return true if the associated stream has reached end-of-file.
void flags(fmtflags flags)
Set new format flags for this stream.
static constexpr fmtflags unitbuf
Flush output after each insertion operation.
static constexpr fmtflags adjustfield
Bitmask constant used with setf(fmtflags, fmtflags) when changing the output adjustment.
static constexpr iostate goodbit
No error; always 0.
static constexpr fmtflags showbase
Write integral values prefixed by their base:
static constexpr uint8_t MAX_PRECISION
The maximum allowed precision.
#define F(ptr)
Force string constant to be stored as flash storage.
Defines C++-like streams API, based on circular buffers for input or output.
void noboolalpha(FSTREAM &stream)
Clear the ios::boolalpha format flag for stream.
void nounitbuf(FSTREAM &stream)
Clear the ios::unitbuf format flag for stream.
void showbase(FSTREAM &stream)
Set the ios::showbase format flag for stream.
void nouppercase(FSTREAM &stream)
Clear the ios::uppercase format flag for stream.
void noskipws(FSTREAM &stream)
Manipulator for an input stream, which will deactivate whitespace discarding before formatted input o...
void right(FSTREAM &stream)
Set the ios::adjustfield format flag for stream to ios::right, thus adjusting next output to the righ...
void skipws(FSTREAM &stream)
Manipulator for an input stream, which will activate whitespace discarding before formatted input ope...
void bin(FSTREAM &stream)
Manipulator for an output or input stream, which will set the base, used to represent (output) or int...
void boolalpha(FSTREAM &stream)
Set the ios::boolalpha format flag for stream.
void showpos(FSTREAM &stream)
Set the ios::showpos format flag for stream.
void hex(FSTREAM &stream)
Manipulator for an output or input stream, which will set the base, used to represent (output) or int...
void scientific(FSTREAM &stream)
Set the ios::floatfield format flag for stream to ios::scientific.
void oct(FSTREAM &stream)
Manipulator for an output or input stream, which will set the base, used to represent (output) or int...
void defaultfloat(FSTREAM &stream)
Set the ios::floatfield format flag for stream to ios::defaultfloat.
void uppercase(FSTREAM &stream)
Set the ios::uppercase format flag for stream.
void fixed(FSTREAM &stream)
Set the ios::floatfield format flag for stream to ios::fixed.
void noshowpos(FSTREAM &stream)
Clear the ios::showpos format flag for stream.
void dec(FSTREAM &stream)
Manipulator for an output or input stream, which will set the base, used to represent (output) or int...
void unitbuf(FSTREAM &stream)
Set the ios::unitbuf format flag for stream.
void noshowbase(FSTREAM &stream)
Clear the ios::showbase format flag for stream.
void left(FSTREAM &stream)
Set the ios::adjustfield format flag for stream to ios::left, thus adjusting next output to the left.
C++-like std::iostream facilities.