FastArduino v1.10
C++ library to build fast but small Arduino/AVR projects
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
1// Copyright 2016-2023 Jean-Francois Poilpret
3// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5// You may obtain a copy of the License at
9// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13// limitations under the License.
25#include <stdint.h>
26#include "boards/board_traits.h"
27#include "bits.h"
28#include "i2c.h"
29#include "ios.h"
30#include "future.h"
31#include "queue.h"
32#include "utilities.h"
34namespace i2c
42 enum class DebugStatus : uint8_t
43 {
45 START = 0,
49 SLAW,
51 SLAR,
53 SEND,
55 RECV,
59 STOP,
69 };
82 using I2C_DEBUG_HOOK = void (*)(DebugStatus status, uint8_t data);
85 // Generic support for I2C debugging
86 template<bool IS_DEBUG_ = false, typename DEBUG_HOOK_ = I2C_DEBUG_HOOK> struct I2CDebugSupport
87 {
88 explicit I2CDebugSupport(UNUSED DEBUG_HOOK_ hook = nullptr) {}
89 void call_hook(UNUSED DebugStatus status, UNUSED uint8_t data = 0)
90 {
91 // Intentionally left empty
92 }
93 };
94 template<typename DEBUG_HOOK_> struct I2CDebugSupport<true, DEBUG_HOOK_>
95 {
96 explicit I2CDebugSupport(DEBUG_HOOK_ hook) : hook_{hook} {}
97 void call_hook(DebugStatus status, uint8_t data = 0)
98 {
99 hook_(status, data);
100 }
101 private:
102 DEBUG_HOOK_ hook_;
103 };
117 using I2C_STATUS_HOOK = void (*)(Status expected, Status actual);
120 // Generic support for I2C status hook
121 template<bool IS_STATUS_ = false, typename STATUS_HOOK_ = I2C_STATUS_HOOK> struct I2CStatusSupport
122 {
123 explicit I2CStatusSupport(UNUSED STATUS_HOOK_ hook = nullptr) {}
124 void call_hook(UNUSED Status expected, UNUSED Status actual)
125 {
126 // Intentionally left empty
127 }
128 };
129 template<typename STATUS_HOOK_> struct I2CStatusSupport<true, STATUS_HOOK_>
130 {
131 explicit I2CStatusSupport(STATUS_HOOK_ hook) : hook_{hook} {}
132 void call_hook(Status expected, Status actual)
133 {
134 hook_(expected, actual);
135 }
136 private:
137 STATUS_HOOK_ hook_;
138 };
146 enum class I2CErrorPolicy : uint8_t
147 {
167 };
170 // Type of commands in queue
171 class I2CCommandType
172 {
173 public:
174 constexpr I2CCommandType() = default;
175 constexpr I2CCommandType(const I2CCommandType&) = default;
176 I2CCommandType& operator=(const I2CCommandType&) = default;
178 bool is_none() const
179 {
180 return value_ == NONE;
181 }
182 bool is_write() const
183 {
184 return value_ & WRITE;
185 }
186 bool is_stop() const
187 {
188 return value_ & STOP;
189 }
190 bool is_finish() const
191 {
192 return value_ & FINISH;
193 }
194 bool is_end() const
195 {
196 return value_ & END;
197 }
199 private:
200 explicit constexpr I2CCommandType(uint8_t value) : value_{value} {}
201 constexpr I2CCommandType(bool write, bool stop, bool finish, bool end)
202 : value_{value(write, stop, finish, end)} {}
204 void add_flags(uint8_t value)
205 {
206 value_ |= value;
207 }
209 static constexpr uint8_t flags(bool stop, bool finish, bool end)
210 {
211 return bits::ORIF8(stop, STOP, finish, FINISH, end, END);
212 }
214 static constexpr const uint8_t NONE = 0;
215 static constexpr const uint8_t NOT_NONE = bits::BV8(0);
216 static constexpr const uint8_t WRITE = bits::BV8(1);
217 static constexpr const uint8_t STOP = bits::BV8(2);
218 static constexpr const uint8_t FINISH = bits::BV8(3);
219 static constexpr const uint8_t END = bits::BV8(4);
221 static constexpr uint8_t value(bool write, bool stop, bool finish, bool end)
222 {
223 return bits::ORIF8(true, NOT_NONE, write, WRITE, stop, STOP, finish, FINISH, end, END);
224 }
226 uint8_t value_ = NONE;
228 template<typename> friend class I2CDevice;
229 friend bool operator==(const I2CCommandType&, const I2CCommandType&);
230 friend bool operator!=(const I2CCommandType&, const I2CCommandType&);
231 };
233 template<typename OSTREAM> OSTREAM& operator<<(OSTREAM& out, const I2CCommandType& t)
234 {
235 if (t.is_none()) return out << F("NONE");
236 out << (t.is_write() ? F("WRITE") : F("READ"));
237 if (t.is_stop())
238 out << F("[STOP]");
239 if (t.is_finish())
240 out << F("[FINISH]");
241 if (t.is_end())
242 out << F("[END]");
243 return out;
244 }
245 bool operator==(const I2CCommandType& a, const I2CCommandType& b);
246 bool operator!=(const I2CCommandType& a, const I2CCommandType& b);
261 {
262 public:
264 constexpr I2CLightCommand() = default;
265 constexpr I2CLightCommand(const I2CLightCommand&) = default;
267 I2CCommandType type() const
268 {
269 return type_;
270 }
271 I2CCommandType& type()
272 {
273 return type_;
274 }
275 uint8_t byte_count() const
276 {
277 return byte_count_;
278 }
281 private:
282 constexpr I2CLightCommand(I2CCommandType type, uint8_t byte_count) : type_{type}, byte_count_{byte_count} {}
284 void decrement_byte_count()
285 {
286 --byte_count_;
287 }
289 void update_byte_count(uint8_t read_count, uint8_t write_count)
290 {
291 if (byte_count_ == 0)
292 byte_count_ = (type_.is_write() ? write_count : read_count);
293 }
295 // Type of this command
296 I2CCommandType type_ = I2CCommandType{};
297 // The number of remaining bytes to be read or write
298 uint8_t byte_count_ = 0;
300 template<typename> friend class I2CDevice;
301 template<typename, I2CMode, typename, bool, typename> friend class AbstractI2CSyncManager;
302 template<I2CMode, I2CErrorPolicy, bool, typename, bool, typename> friend class AbstractI2CAsyncManager;
303 };
319 template<typename T> class I2CCommand : public I2CLightCommand
320 {
321 public:
323 constexpr I2CCommand() = default;
324 constexpr I2CCommand(const I2CCommand&) = default;
325 constexpr I2CCommand& operator=(const I2CCommand&) = default;
327 uint8_t target() const
328 {
329 return target_;
330 }
331 T& future() const
332 {
333 return *future_;
334 }
337 private:
338 constexpr I2CCommand(
339 const I2CLightCommand& that, uint8_t target, T& future)
340 : I2CLightCommand{that}, target_{target}, future_{&future} {}
342 // Address of the target device (on 8 bits, already left-shifted)
343 uint8_t target_ = 0;
344 // A pointer to the future to be used for this command
345 T* future_ = nullptr;
347 template<I2CMode, I2CErrorPolicy, bool, typename, bool, typename> friend class AbstractI2CAsyncManager;
348 };
351 template<typename OSTREAM, typename T> OSTREAM& operator<<(OSTREAM& out, const I2CCommand<T>& c)
352 {
353 out << '{' << c.type() << ',';
355 out << streams::hex << << '}';
356 return out;
357 }
361 // Specific traits for I2CMode
362 template<I2CMode MODE_ = I2CMode::STANDARD> struct I2CMode_trait
363 {
364 static constexpr I2CMode MODE = MODE_;
365 static constexpr uint32_t RATE = 100'000UL;
366 static constexpr uint32_t FREQUENCY = ((F_CPU / RATE) - 16UL) / 2;
367 static constexpr const uint8_t T_HD_STA = utils::calculate_delay1_count(4.0);
368 static constexpr const uint8_t T_LOW = utils::calculate_delay1_count(4.7);
369 static constexpr const uint8_t T_HIGH = utils::calculate_delay1_count(4.0);
370 static constexpr const uint8_t T_SU_STA = utils::calculate_delay1_count(4.7);
371 static constexpr const uint8_t T_SU_STO = utils::calculate_delay1_count(4.0);
372 static constexpr const uint8_t T_BUF = utils::calculate_delay1_count(4.7);
373 static constexpr const uint8_t DELAY_AFTER_STOP = utils::calculate_delay1_count(4.0 + 4.7);
374 };
375 template<> struct I2CMode_trait<I2CMode::FAST>
376 {
377 static constexpr I2CMode MODE = I2CMode::FAST;
378 static constexpr uint32_t RATE = 400'000UL;
379 static constexpr uint32_t FREQUENCY = ((F_CPU / RATE) - 16UL) / 2;
380 static constexpr const uint8_t T_HD_STA = utils::calculate_delay1_count(0.6);
381 static constexpr const uint8_t T_LOW = utils::calculate_delay1_count(1.3);
382 static constexpr const uint8_t T_HIGH = utils::calculate_delay1_count(0.6);
383 static constexpr const uint8_t T_SU_STA = utils::calculate_delay1_count(0.6);
384 static constexpr const uint8_t T_SU_STO = utils::calculate_delay1_count(0.6);
385 static constexpr const uint8_t T_BUF = utils::calculate_delay1_count(1.3);
386 static constexpr const uint8_t DELAY_AFTER_STOP = utils::calculate_delay1_count(0.6 + 1.3);
387 };
418 template<typename ARCH_HANDLER_, I2CMode MODE_, typename STATUS_HOOK_, bool HAS_DEBUG_, typename DEBUG_HOOK_>
420 {
421 protected:
424 using MODE_TRAIT = I2CMode_trait<MODE_>;
425 using I2C_TRAIT = board_traits::TWI_trait;
426 using REG8 = board_traits::REG8;
427 using DEBUG = I2CDebugSupport<HAS_DEBUG_, DEBUG_HOOK_>;
430 public:
441 template<typename OUT, typename IN> using FUTURE = future::FakeFuture<OUT, IN>;
450 void begin()
451 {
452 synchronized begin_();
453 }
461 void end()
462 {
463 synchronized end_();
464 }
473 void begin_()
474 {
475 handler_.begin_();
476 }
484 void end_()
485 {
486 handler_.end_();
487 }
489 protected:
491 explicit AbstractI2CSyncManager(
492 STATUS_HOOK_ status_hook = nullptr,
493 DEBUG_HOOK_ debug_hook = nullptr)
494 : handler_{status_hook}, debug_hook_{debug_hook} {}
497 private:
498 bool ensure_num_commands_(UNUSED uint8_t num_commands) const
499 {
500 return true;
501 }
503 bool push_command_(
504 I2CLightCommand command, uint8_t target, ABSTRACT_FUTURE& future)
505 {
506 // Check command is not empty
507 const I2CCommandType type = command.type();
508 if (type.is_none()) return true;
509 if (clear_commands_) return false;
510 // Execute command immediately, from start to optional stop
511 bool ok = (no_stop_ ? exec_repeat_start_() : exec_start_());
512 stopped_already_ = false;
513 if (!ok)
514 return handle_error(future);
516 if (type.is_write())
517 {
518 // Send device address
519 if (!exec_send_slaw_(target))
520 return handle_error(future);
521 // Send content
522 while (command.byte_count() > 0)
523 // In case of a NACK on data writing, we check if it is not last byte
524 if ((!exec_send_data_(command, future)) && (command.byte_count() > 0))
525 return handle_error(future);
526 }
527 else
528 {
529 // Send device address
530 if (!exec_send_slar_(target))
531 return handle_error(future);
532 // Receive content
533 while (command.byte_count() > 0)
534 if (!exec_receive_data_(command, future))
535 return handle_error(future);
536 }
538 // Check if we must force finish the future
539 if (type.is_finish())
540 future.set_future_finish_();
541 // Check if we must force a STOP
542 if (type.is_stop())
543 exec_stop_();
544 // Ensure STOP is generated or not depending on latest command executed
545 no_stop_ = !type.is_stop();
546 return true;
547 }
549 void last_command_pushed_()
550 {
551 // Check if previously executed command already did a STOP (and needed one)
552 if ((!no_stop_) && (!stopped_already_) && (!clear_commands_))
553 {
554 exec_stop_();
555 no_stop_ = false;
556 }
557 clear_commands_ = false;
558 stopped_already_ = false;
559 }
561 // Low-level methods to handle the bus in an asynchronous way
562 bool exec_start_()
563 {
564 debug_hook_.call_hook(DebugStatus::START);
565 return handler_.exec_start_();
566 }
568 bool exec_repeat_start_()
569 {
570 debug_hook_.call_hook(DebugStatus::REPEAT_START);
571 return handler_.exec_repeat_start_();
572 }
574 bool exec_send_slar_(uint8_t target)
575 {
576 debug_hook_.call_hook(DebugStatus::SLAR, target);
577 return handler_.exec_send_slar_(target);
578 }
580 bool exec_send_slaw_(uint8_t target)
581 {
582 debug_hook_.call_hook(DebugStatus::SLAW, target);
583 return handler_.exec_send_slaw_(target);
584 }
586 bool exec_send_data_(I2CLightCommand& command, ABSTRACT_FUTURE& future)
587 {
588 // Determine next data byte
589 uint8_t data = 0;
590 bool ok = future.get_storage_value_(data);
591 debug_hook_.call_hook(DebugStatus::SEND, data);
592 debug_hook_.call_hook(ok ? DebugStatus::SEND_OK : DebugStatus::SEND_ERROR);
593 // This should only happen if there are 2 concurrent consumers for that Future
594 if (!ok)
595 {
596 future.set_future_error_(errors::EILSEQ);
597 return false;
598 }
599 command.decrement_byte_count();
600 return handler_.exec_send_data_(data);
601 }
603 bool exec_receive_data_(I2CLightCommand& command, ABSTRACT_FUTURE& future)
604 {
605 // Is this the last byte to receive?
606 const bool last_byte = (command.byte_count() == 1);
607 const DebugStatus debug = (last_byte ? DebugStatus::RECV_LAST : DebugStatus::RECV);
608 debug_hook_.call_hook(debug);
610 uint8_t data;
611 if (handler_.exec_receive_data_(last_byte, data))
612 {
613 const bool ok = future.set_future_value_(data);
614 debug_hook_.call_hook(ok ? DebugStatus::RECV_OK : DebugStatus::RECV_ERROR, data);
615 // This should only happen in case there are 2 concurrent providers for this future
616 if (ok)
617 {
618 command.decrement_byte_count();
619 }
620 else
621 {
622 future.set_future_error_(errors::EILSEQ);
623 }
624 return ok;
625 }
626 return false;
627 }
629 void exec_stop_()
630 {
631 debug_hook_.call_hook(DebugStatus::STOP);
632 handler_.exec_stop_();
633 // If so then delay 4.0us + 4.7us (100KHz) or 0.6us + 1.3us (400KHz)
634 // (ATMEGA328P datasheet 29.7 Tsu;sto + Tbuf)
635 _delay_loop_1(MODE_TRAIT::DELAY_AFTER_STOP);
636 stopped_already_ = true;
637 }
639 // This method is called when an error has occurred
640 bool handle_error(ABSTRACT_FUTURE& future)
641 {
642 if (future.status() != future::FutureStatus::ERROR)
643 // The future must be marked as error
644 future.set_future_error_(errors::EPROTO);
646 // Clear command belonging to the same transaction (i.e. same future)
647 // ie forbid any new command until last command (add new flag for that)
648 clear_commands_ = true;
649 // In case of an error, immediately send a STOP condition
650 exec_stop_();
651 return false;
652 }
654 // Flags for storing I2C transaction operation state
655 bool no_stop_ = false;
656 bool clear_commands_ = false;
657 bool stopped_already_ = false;
659 ARCH_HANDLER handler_;
660 DEBUG debug_hook_;
662 template<typename> friend class I2CDevice;
663 };
666 // Specific traits for I2C Manager
667 template<typename T> struct I2CManager_trait
668 {
669 static constexpr bool IS_I2CMANAGER = false;
670 static constexpr bool IS_ASYNC = false;
671 static constexpr bool IS_DEBUG = false;
672 static constexpr bool IS_STATUS = false;
673 static constexpr I2CMode MODE = I2CMode::STANDARD;
674 };
676 template<bool IS_ASYNC_, bool IS_STATUS_, bool IS_DEBUG_, I2CMode MODE_>
677 struct I2CManager_trait_impl
678 {
679 static constexpr bool IS_I2CMANAGER = true;
680 static constexpr bool IS_ASYNC = IS_ASYNC_;
681 static constexpr bool IS_DEBUG = IS_DEBUG_;
682 static constexpr bool IS_STATUS = IS_STATUS_;
683 static constexpr I2CMode MODE = MODE_;
684 };
688#endif /* I2C_HANDLER_COMMON_HH */
Useful bits manipulation utilities.
Base class for all FakeFutures.
Definition: future.h:1142
Actual FakeFuture, it has the exact same API as Future and can be used in lieu of Future.
Definition: future.h:1300
Abstract asynchronous I2C Manager.
Abstract synchronous I2C Manager for all MCU architectures.
void begin()
Prepare and enable the MCU for I2C transmission.
void end()
Disable MCU I2C transmission.
future::AbstractFakeFuture ABSTRACT_FUTURE
The abstract base class of all futures to be defined for this I2C Manager.
void begin_()
Prepare and enable the MCU for I2C transmission.
void end_()
Disable MCU I2C transmission.
Atomic I2C command as used internally by an asynchronous I2C Manager.
Base class for all I2C devices.
Definition: i2c_device.h:84
Light atomic I2C command as prepared by an I2C device.
static constexpr fmtflags basefield
Bitmask constant used with setf(fmtflags, fmtflags) when changing the output base format.
Definition: ios.h:227
static constexpr fmtflags hex
Read or write integral values using hexadecimal (0..9,A..F) base format.
Definition: ios.h:218
#define UNUSED
Specific GCC attribute to declare an argument or variable unused, so that the compiler does not emit ...
Definition: defines.h:45
#define F(ptr)
Force string constant to be stored as flash storage.
Definition: flash.h:150
Utility API to handle the concept of futures.
I2C API common definitions.
C++-like std::iostream facilities.
No interrupt will be generated by the Anolog Comparator.
static constexpr uint8_t BV8(uint8_t bit)
Create a uint8_t bitmask for the given bit number.
Definition: bits.h:41
static constexpr uint8_t ORIF8(bool flag1, uint8_t val1, bool flag2, uint8_t val2)
Create a uint8_t bitwise OR boolean operation between uint8_t operands, conditioned by bool flags.
Definition: bits.h:361
constexpr const int EPROTO
Protocol error.
Definition: errors.h:58
constexpr const int EILSEQ
Illegal byte sequence.
Definition: errors.h:65
Contains the API around Future implementation.
Definition: future.h:312
The status of a Future once a value provider has reported an error to it.
Indicate what in I2C protocol shall be debugged.
Definition: i2c_debug.h:102
Define API to define and manage I2C devices.
Definition: i2c.h:51
void(*)(Status expected, Status actual) I2C_STATUS_HOOK
The default status observer hook type.
List of debug states that are reported by the I2C Manager in debug mode.
The latest sent byte has been acknowledged by the slave.
The latest sent byte has not been acknowledged by the slave.
A slave address has just been sent for reading.
I2C Manager has acknowledged the latest received byte from the slave.
A byte has just be sent to the slave.
A stop condition has just been sent.
A repeat start condition has just been sent.
The last byte is being received from the slave.
A start condition has just been sent.
A byte is being received from the slave.
I2C Manager has not acknowledged the latest received byte from the slave.
A slave address has just been sent for writing.
void(*)(DebugStatus status, uint8_t data) I2C_DEBUG_HOOK
The default debugging hook type.
I2C Manager policy to use in case of an error during I2C transaction.
In case of an error during I2C transaction, then all I2CCommand currently in queue will be removed.
In case of an error during I2C transaction, then all pending I2CCommand of the current transaction wi...
Do nothing at all in case of an error; useful only with a synchronous I2C Manager.
I2C available transmission modes.
Definition: i2c.h:168
I2C Fast mode, less than 400KHz.
Transmission status codes.
Definition: i2c.h:67
void hex(FSTREAM &stream)
Manipulator for an output or input stream, which will set the base, used to represent (output) or int...
Definition: ios.h:774
bool operator==(const RTTTime &a, const RTTTime &b)
Compare 2 RTTTime instances.
Definition: time.h:204
bool operator!=(const RTTTime &a, const RTTTime &b)
Compare 2 RTTTime instances.
Definition: time.h:216
constexpr uint8_t calculate_delay1_count(float time_us)
Calculate the count to pass to delay1() in order to reach time_us microseconds delay.
Definition: utilities.h:531
Utility API to handle ring-buffer queue containers.
General utilities API that have broad application in programs.