FastArduino v1.10
C++ library to build fast but small Arduino/AVR projects
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mpu6050.h File Reference

API to handle MPU6050 3-axis gyroscope/accelerometer I2C chip. More...

#include <math.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "common_magneto.h"
#include "../array.h"
#include "../bits.h"
#include "../functors.h"
#include "../i2c_device.h"
#include "../i2c_device_utilities.h"
#include "../utilities.h"
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class  devices::magneto::FIFOEnable
 Configuration for MPU6050 FIFO Enable register (register map §4.6). More...
class  devices::magneto::INTStatus
 The structure of the Interrupt Status register (register map §4.16). More...
struct  devices::magneto::AllSensors
 Structure to store all MPU6050 sensors data (3 axis gyroscope and accelerometer, chip temperature). More...
class  devices::magneto::MPU6050< MANAGER >
 I2C device driver for the MPU6050 gyroscope/accelerometer chip. More...
class  devices::magneto::MPU6050< MANAGER >::BeginFuture
 Create a future to be used by asynchronous method begin(BeginFuture&). More...
class  devices::magneto::MPU6050< MANAGER >::FifoBeginFuture
 Create a future to be used by asynchronous method begin(FifoBeginFuture&). More...
class  devices::magneto::MPU6050< MANAGER >::EndFuture
 Create a future to be used by asynchronous method end(EndFuture&). More...
class  devices::magneto::MPU6050< MANAGER >::ResetFuture
 Create a future to be used by asynchronous method reset(ResetFuture&). More...


namespace  devices
 Defines all API for all external devices supported by FastArduino.
namespace  devices::magneto
 Defines API for magnetic sensors for direction, speed and acceleration properties.


using devices::magneto::INTEnable = INTStatus
 The structure of the Interrupt Enable register (register map §4.15). More...


enum class  devices::magneto::GyroRange : uint8_t {
  RANGE_250 = 0 << 3 ,
  RANGE_500 = 1 << 3 ,
  RANGE_1000 = 2 << 3 ,
  RANGE_2000 = 3 << 3
 The full-scale range of the gyroscope in dps (datasheet §6.1). More...
enum class  devices::magneto::AccelRange : uint8_t {
  RANGE_2G = 0 << 3 ,
  RANGE_4G = 1 << 3 ,
  RANGE_8G = 2 << 3 ,
  RANGE_16G = 3 << 3
 The full-scale range of the accelerometer in g (datasheet §6.2). More...
enum class  devices::magneto::ClockSelect : uint8_t {
 The clock to select for the chip (datasheet §6.6). More...
enum class  devices::magneto::DLPF : uint8_t {
  ACCEL_BW_260HZ = 0 ,
  ACCEL_BW_184HZ = 1 ,
  ACCEL_BW_94HZ = 2 ,
  ACCEL_BW_44HZ = 3 ,
  ACCEL_BW_21HZ = 4 ,
  ACCEL_BW_10HZ = 5 ,
  ACCEL_BW_5HZ = 6 ,
  GYRO_BW_256HZ = 0 ,
  GYRO_BW_188HZ = 1 ,
  GYRO_BW_98HZ = 2 ,
  GYRO_BW_42HZ = 3 ,
  GYRO_BW_20HZ = 4 ,
  GYRO_BW_10HZ = 5 ,
  GYRO_BW_5HZ = 6
 The Digital Low Pass Filter bandwidth to select for the chip (register map §4.3). More...
enum class  devices::magneto::AD0 : uint8_t {
  devices::magneto::LOW = 0 ,
  devices::magneto::HIGH = 1
 Possible values of I2C address lower bit for the chip (the chip may have one of two possible addresses, based on the level of pin AD0, datasheet §6.4, §7.1). More...


static constexpr uint16_t devices::magneto::GYRO_RANGE_DPS (GyroRange range)
 Convert a GyroRange constant to the real gyroscope range in dps. More...
static constexpr uint16_t devices::magneto::ACCEL_RANGE_G (AccelRange range)
 Convert an AccelRange constant to the real accelerometer range in g. More...

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